For small businesses, having additional financing can be imperative. Without it, you might find yourself being unable to afford payroll, inventory, equipment, and other necessary costs. Due to this, many business owners decide to apply for bank-issued loans in order to fulfill their financing needs.
Purpose of Loan
While some lenders don't have usage restrictions, most will want to know how you plan to spend it. Banks usually approve of businesses using loans for the following reasons: Improve Cash Flow, Purchase Equipment, Pay for Expansion Projects, Purchase Inventory and Use as Payroll.
Business Experience
When reviewing your loan application, banks will consider how much experience you have. If you've owned your business for years and have managed your company's finances responsibly, this will be in your favor.
Business Plan
When applying for a bank loan, you might be asked to submit your business plan. This can help the bank determine the right loan amount and term for you, make sure that it accurately reflects your business's finances, goals, and other relevant information.
Credit History
When considering your business for a loan, a bank will conduct a credit check. They'll do this to determine your personal and business credit scores. Personal credit history especially matters for businesses that operate as proprietors or partnerships.
Personal Information
Your personal credit score will affect your eligibility. In addition, banks usually also request the following personal information in your application: Addresses, Criminal record, Information on your education, Tax returns, Financial statements. Assets and Personal Loan Balances.
Financial Statements
Most banks will require a balance sheet, profit and loss statements, cash flow statements, income statements, and other financial projections, this is important to determine whether you are a strong loan candidate.
Even if your business or personal credit history falls below bank loan requirements, you could still receive financing by submitting collateral. Banks define collateral as business or personal property that you put up to quarantee the repavment of a loan.
Cash Flow
The primary financial concern for banks when it comes to accepting applicants involves business cash flow. In other words, does your business generate enough cash flow to repay a bank loan on-time? To determine this, the bank will ask you to present information about your primary business cash sources.
The small business loan requirements vou must meet in order to receive a bank loan approval might appear to be intimidating. However, with careful planning, your small business may be able to successfully receive financing.
Source: https://www.forafinancial.com/blog/working-capital/8-bank-loan-requirements/